Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it .
We know that as you impart the love of God into the little ones,
God will bless you in ways you never dreamed of. — Proverbs 22:6

Our kids are the future!
It's our honor to serve God's little ones and teach them about the love of God. We strive to create an amazing atmosphere of fun and faith where kiddos can learn, grow and flourish as mighty children of God.
Never Too Young To Change The World
Children of all ages can have fun and learn with our specialized programs for each age. We suggest arriving 15-20 minutes early when visiting to get your children registered for class. Children can stay with parents if they don’t want to go to class.
0 months - 2 years
3 - 5 years
Volt Jr.
6 - 11 years
The safety of the children is our top priority, we make sure that only the people of the 3C Team and the children enter the designated rooms. Our classes from 3-11 will have their own unique service with worship, message, craft and snack.