Rockwall WAIVER form

Note: This form is to be filled out by anyone who participates in the climbing activities at the 3C USA Church’s Rock Wall. Waivers are kept on file for one year.

I, the undersigned user, hereby acknowledge that there are inherent risks involved in participating in the 3C USA Church’s Rock Wall. I recognize and understand these risks and release 3C USA Church, the Wicomico Board of Education, the Wicomico Eastside Chamber of Commerce, and their employees from any liability that may result from these risks, including the risk of physical injury.

I also understand the rules and guidelines of 3C USA Church and agree to abide by them for the sake of my personal safety, the safety of other climbers, and the facility.

I acknowledge that 3C USA Church has taken appropriate steps to make the Rock Wall a safe and enjoyable environment for all its participants.

Rock Wall Rules of Conduct:

  1. Climbing is inherently dangerous, and participants must assume all the risks of climbing. All participants must sign the release of liability form prior to climbing.

  2. All climbers must use proper equipment.

  3. Shoes are required.

  4. Swinging on the ropes is prohibited. Unsafe and inappropriate use of equipment and conduct will be cause for removal from the climbing area.

  5. Food and drinks are not permitted in the climbing area.

  6. All non-climbers must stay behind the designated climbing area.

  7. To participate, a person must weigh between 40 and 250 pounds.

I fully understand and agree to abide by these rules while at the Rock Wall.